Ended sch early.reached home 3plus.dam Sian ttm!!!!
Napfa test yuesturday.MuscleAching/:help!!
Better nth to do.played with webcam.LOL

Wokeup prepared n headed to zh hse to meet brenica n zh.bused down n took mrt to Red hill.Reached there.instead of taking bus 132 took the wrong bus 32!!alighted at some kind of wulu place.LOL have to take back to redhill mrt there.alight again n went opposite take 132.omg is like dam funny walking the same route countless time.LOL ok waited for the MR Fezel so long.cut short.Ahh hate raining at wrong timing .Interview ended,went down bugis after that,took bus back home,change n went for trng.running like an siao lang.WULU PLACE where alighted bus 32!