todae sch as usual.yea asssemle in clasroom for frc,having attire check plus check bags in class. Mr louis & mr wimal walk in to our class and checked.they checked boys first then followed by girls.then the mr wimal os checking mine.walao he when to pour out all my file,wallets pencil case especially.He took my pencil case then pour out all my pencil pen eraser then place on the tables same goes to my file wallet all this.he dam freaking**.make a messed of my things around sia.peiceh is he didnt put bak inside and mess all around my table then giv that face.Ahh!he caught me long finger nails.sian!mas cut.other lessons okok nth much.after sch do awhile art then went kovan buy things then went home.when alighted the bus the rain getting heavier.ran home in the rain.go home mum,bro all shocked.screamed at me.called me faster go slp watch tv.Yea
pic for todae..

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