2nd day working at CA ytd.wokeup ytd around 7plus.left hse 9.reached airport.KeLing was late!!so i went to store room take the stocks first.called BoonSiew to help to call movers to take the stock.have alot of customers during the evening all the way till 11pm.dam busy,is like no time to sit down n rest although there's is seat jus right behind me.Supervisor is spying us very strictly.dam scary sia.And todaes peiceh matter is alot of kids are shouting around runing around like crazy gng destroy the Baubles hse up there.Adults customers are also so unresonable.ok back tp happy topic,lots of lucky customers that drew until Vouchers.Ohter then that the soft toy s are cute too!.haha todae came new xmas ball colour.Black n Blue plus others colour too.Yippi,took pic of them while there's no customers.dislike pack things back when gng off home all this.dam tiring.nid to take lifr down to b1 then walk that ling paht to store room.
kip rain rain rain!dam irritaiting,the aircon inside are very cold at our booth there,like abit winter time,ok im too Exaggerate!hahah.ok lots of things to write,cut short better.haha
Reached home 12mn.online 1.gonna slp soon.
xmas decor!^^

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