Wokeup,left hse.forgetten to bring landyard,damm it went home n take!Need to go sch early help out Viven,reached Retail hub then cliques help out Vivien also,experienced how to change the fake person's clothes!LOl,played with the fake hand,HAHA,hope the judges will like v shop very much!didnt attend EFC.wrote script for res so fann i dunno what to think to write!keep taking photo at Vivien mcbk etc,end sch at 11.Went j8,eat,secrectly buy Joanna's bd cake.Dili Darely at j8 dunno where to go.in the end all went seperate ways then change out came out meet zh,brenica,joanna,vivien,shawn,n others!played pool=>homed.will uplaod more pic up soon!!^^
Vivien theme shop at Retail hub"Happy Valentine's Day(:nice sia

lesson per normal.Lifeskills 3 hrs lesson is canceled.YAY!release at 12!wentot dhoby ghaut bought materials for Visual merchadising for RES abt the topic Happy Valentine's Day,helping viven out.after that had a lunch at BK,receive msg frm vb!No vb trng.sian ji buay sia!):nvm
Spended alot of time walking around there n then went to Cp then wento Viven's hse.took lots of photos at macbk!LOLS!reached home around 11plus if im not wrng.bath online slp!
More pics upload soon!^^

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